
Forum francophone de l'association Bureau Aegis, dédié au jeu de figurines Infinity. Site de ressources :

[N5] MàJ du 27/02/25 de l'Army

Démarré par Wizzy, 24 Décembre 2021 à 13:54:32

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24 Décembre 2021 à 13:54:32 Dernière édition: 27 Février 2025 à 15:59:19 par Wizzy
Hello la Sphère,

Voilà le copier/coller de la MàJ du 23/12/21 de l'Army.

CitationChangelog Army

Triphammer Profile Added in all vanilla armies (except CA) and in Druze, Ikari, StarCo sectorials.

Digger Profile Added in all vanilla armies (except CA) and in Corregidor, Spiral Corps, Dhashat, Druze, Ikari, StarCo sectorials.

Beasthunters Profile Added in all vanilla armies (except CA) and in WinterFor, White Banner, TAK, USARF, Ramah, WhiteCo, ForCo sectorials.

Modified cost on Mormaer Lt Teniente HMG from 42 to 40 points.

Fixed the Orders in CodeOne of Hippolyta and Liang Kai.

Modified the CC of Airborne Rangers from 23 to 22.
Added D-Charges to Airborne Rangers (Forward Observer).

Added Note to Kiel-Saan in Tohaa.

Changed Fireteam Note of Orc in WinteFor.

Added Deactivator on 8 points FuzzBot.

Deleted Remote presence Skill from the Sphinx in CodeOne..

Deleted Fireteam: Duo from Guijia in WhiteCo.

Deleted Fireteam: Duo from Anaconda in Druze.

Added Immunity (Shock) to Cadin "Firststrike"

Added Immunity (Shock) to Armand Le Muet

Added Impetuous Skill to Eudoros.
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Hello la Sphère,

Voilà le copier/coller de la MàJ du 20/01/22 de l'Army.

CitationRasail- Fixed name errata.


Polaris Team- Deleted Dogged skill in its profile. Fixed the points cost.
Uxía McNeill- Deleted the Infiltration Skill MOD
Chasseurs- Deleted ADHL
M-Drone FTO – Deleted FTO of the name.
T-Drone FTO - Deleted FTO of the name.
Shasvastii Special Armored Corp Sphinx – Deleted Remote Presence skill and fixed the Dodge Mod.
Shasvastii Sabotage and Destruction Unit Caliban – Added Shasvastiii Skill
The Shrouded – Added Hacker device.
Umbra Samaritan Nourkias, Kai'l Rank – Added CC Attack (+1B)
Billie, Customized Support Remote – Deletd all the non-CodeOne skills and equipments.
Taskmasters, Bakunin SWAST Team - Deñeted the Heavy ocket Launcher.
Razor- Added Infiltration Skill
Liang Kai- Added Martial Arts L4
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Voilà le copier/coller de la MàJ du 24/03/22 de l'Army.



· Added the new Fireteam Charts to every vanilla & sectorial armies with all the available Fireteam compositions.

· Removed the label "Fireteam: XXXX" in every troop of the game.

· Removed all the "Fireteam special notes" from all the troops.



Added the following new profiles to Military Orders & vanilla PanO:

· Hospitaller Knight KYLE HAWKINS

· Military Order CURATORS

UMA SORENSEN: Added the Specialist Operative and Stealth skills. The non-FTO option now have (Forward Deployment +20cm) with E/M Mines, removed the Combi Breaker Rifle and the point cost is reduced from 35 to 30. Her FTO options have the SMG removed, instead of, the Combi Breaker Rifle gains (+1 Dam) and the point cost is reduced from 31 to 27 in both options.

BOYG SOLDIERS: Added the equipment "ECM: Hacker (-3)". Also the points cost is increased from 46 to 47 in both options.

KARHU: Fixed the ISC from "Karhu Special Team" to "Karhu Special Group".

JOAN OF ARC V2: Fixed the name option from "Joan of Arc" to "Joan of Arc v2".



TIAN GOU: "1st Section" options are now "FTO" options.

QIANG GAO: Added the "ECM: Hacker (-3)" equipment.

SUN TZE V2: Fixed the name option from "Sun Tze" to "Sun Tze v2".

ADIL MEHMUT CRANE RANK: Fixed the name option from "Adil (Crane Rank Armor)" to "Adil Crane Rank".



Added the following new profiles to Kosmoflot & vanilla Ariadna:

· Remontnikbot V-5 ELEKTRONIK

· MEKHANIKS, Flight Engineers Corps

· STRANNIK Outer Patrol

· CHERNOBOG Armored Detachment

· PATCHERS, Structural Response Team

JACQUES BRUANT: The skill "Camouflage (1 Use)" is now exclusive for the "Infiltration" option. The other 2 options are now FTO and their point cost is reduced from 28 to 27 points.

SCOTS GUARDS: Removed the names "1st Batallion" & "2nd Batallion". The former "1st Batallion" options are now FTO options.

KAZAK SPETSNAZS: The "Sniper Rifle" option is now "AP Sniper Rifle".

STRELOKS: Removed the "Super-jump" skill of the K-9 Antipode, and added the "Climbing Plus" skill.

5TH MINUTEMEN: CC increased from 19 to 20. Added the skill "CC Attack (-3)". Removed two options with AP HMG.

KOSMOSOLDAT: Name & ISC changed from 'Armata Proyekt-4 "Kosmosoldat"' to 'Armata-4 Proyekt "Kosmosoldat"'

112, EMERGENCY SERVICE: Fixed name option from "112" to "112 FTO".

112, EMERGENCY SERVICE (Motorized): Fixed name option from "112 (Motorized)" to "112 MOTORIZED".

PAVEL ALEKSEI McMANNUS: His skill "Berserk" is now improved to "Berserk (+3)". Added "D-Charges".



HUSAM YASBIR: The "Light Shotgun" is now "Light Shotgun (+1B)" in both options.

HASSASIN NADHIR: Added 2 new options: 29 points cost "Minelayer" & 31 points cost "Forward Observer".

KHAWARIJS: Modified movement from 4-4 to 6-2. Removed the following options: BS & Panzerfaust (29 points), Forward Observer & Mk12 (0,5 SWC|34 points) & Lieutenant with Rifle (28 points). New option added: "Lieutenant Forward Observer" for 29 points cost.

NAMURR: CC increased from 20 to 21. BS increased from 12 to 13. BTS increased from 3 to 6. Wounds increased from 1 to 2. Removed the skills "Bioimmunity" & "No Wound Incapacitation". Added the skill "CC Attack (+1B)". The former "Rifle" option is now a "Breaker Rifle" and the points cost is increased from 36 to 39 points cost. Added a new option with "Tactical Awareness" for 41 points cost.

HAKIMS: BS increased from 11 to 12.

TARIK MANSURI: Removed the "Lieutenant" 53 points cost option. The other "Lieutenant" option is now modified to "Tactical Awareness" option with the same weaponry and 51 points cost.



Added the following new profiles to Corregidor & vanilla Nomads:

· The DIABLOS of D-Block

· LOBOS, Correctional Response Group


VOSTOK: Removed all the "Albedo" options. The remaining "Vostok FTO" options is renamed to simply "Vostok".

DIE MORLOCK GRUPPE: Removed the Combi Rifle & Smoke granades 12 points cost option.

JAZZ & BILLIE: Removed the SMG from the FTO option, and added a Combi Rifle. The points cost is increased from 19 to 22 points. Points cost of Billie is increased from 6 to 7. Now, the Jazz & Billie option costs 25 points instead of 24.

PERSEO: Added a new 32 points cost FTO option. The former "Super-Jump" option is now renamed to FTO-2.

IGUANA: AVA in Corregidor increased to 2.



Added the following new profiles to Morat & vanilla CA:

· DARTOK Cybercombat Team

· KAITOK Shock Regiment

· KYOSOT Killing Platoon

· RINDAK Emergency Brigade

· ZABUK, Morat Enslavers

· BULTRAK, Mobile Armored Regiment

MORAT VANGUARD: Removed the "Hacker" option.

KURGAT: CC increased from 14 to 18. BTS increased from 3 to 6. Removed the 26 points cost MK12 option. Added 3 new options of 23, 24 and 27 points cost. Increased the points cost of the Boarding Shotgun option from 21 to 23.

YAOGAT: Removed the MULTI Sniper Rifle (+1 Dam) option.

RODOK: CC modified from 19 to 17. Added the skill "Terrain (Jungle)". Removed the following options: Combi Rifle (26 points), HMG (1,5 SWC|30 points) & Lieutenant (26 points). Added 2 new options: Spitfire (1,5 SWC|28 points) & "Strategic Deployment" (23 points).

RASYAT: Removed the 32 points cost Combi Rifle option.

SURYAT: Removed the following options: Combi Rifle (32 points), HMG & Tinbot (1,5 SWC|41 points) & Lieutenant (41 points). Added a new option with "Tactical Awareness" (1,5 SWC|43 points). The "Multispectral Visor L1" option have now a "Tinbot: Firewall(-3)" and the points cost is increased from 35 to 36.

SOGARAT: CC increased from 20 to 21. Modified the "AP CC Weapon" to "DA CC Weapon" in all the options.

RAICHO: Modified the "CC Weapon" to "AP CC Weapon" in all the options.

ZERAT: Removed the MULTI Sniper Rifle (1,5 SWC|27 points) & Red Fury (1 SWC|29 points) options. The "Minelayer" option now have Boarding Shotgun & Shock Mines instead of Combi Rifle, Light FT & Shock Mines, for 25 points. The "Combi Rifle" option gains (+1B) & "BS Attack (+1 Dam)". Added a new option with MULTI Marksman Rifle & "BS Attack (+1 Dam)" with 1 SWC & 26 points cost.

OZNAT: The options with no "Preta" are now named "Oznat FTO". "Sensor" option cost is now 26 instead of 27. Preta's cost is now 7 instead of 8.

TYROK HUNTERS: Removed the "Berserk" skill. Removed the "Berserk (+3)" skill of the Skurgot. Modified the "Terrain (Jungle)" skill of the Skurgot to "Terrain (Total)".

NEXUS: Removed the "Lieutenant (Nanoscreen)" option. Added a "Engineer, NCO" option with 22 points cost.

TENSHO: Removed the FTO from the options name. Now, the Boarding Shotgun option is available to vanilla CA.

KO DALI: Added the "Dodge (+2")" skill. Removed the Nanopulser and added a Pulzar in the FTO option.

SHESKIIN BOARDING: Changed the name option from "Sheskiin" to "Sheskiin Boarding".



DAKINI: Changed the name option from "Tacbot Dakini" to "Dakini".

GARUDA: Changed the name option from "Tacbot Garuda" to "Garuda".

ANDROMEDA: "Infiltration (+6)" options are now "Infiltration (+3)", and their points cost are adjusted from 33 & 37 to 32 & 36.

ACHILLES v2: Changed the name option from "Achilles" to "Achilles v2".



DRAAL: Removed the FTO from the option that had it.



Added the following profile to Starmada, Corregidor, Kosmoflot, Military Orders & vanilla O-12:

· RAVENEYE Officers

ÉPSILON: Added the "Climbing Plus" skill. Options points cost are now 35, 34 & 30, instead of 34, 33 & 29.

LAWKEEPERS: The Red Fury option with SideBot now have the skill "Specialist Operative", and the points cost is increased from 31 to 32.

CASANOVA: Removed the skill "CC Attack (-3)". Added the skill "Minelayer". Added a new option with "Shock Mines" with 33 points cost. "E/M Mines added to his other option. Nanopulser have now (+1B). Monfilament CC weapon have now (-3) mod. The points cost of the previously existing option is increased from 32 to 33.



KAAURI SENTINELS: La opción "Sanitario" es ahora también "FTO". The "Paramedic" option is FTO too now.

KIEL-SAAN: Removed the "FTO" from the options.

VARANGIAN GUARD: New option added with Trench-hammer for 13 points cost.

RAOUL SPECTOR: FTO option points cost is now 34 instead of 36. Added a new option called FTO-2 with 35 points cost.

FIDDLER: Removed the "Climbing Plus" skill. The option with no JackBots now is "FTO" with the "Super-Jump" skill. The JackBots options have now the skill "Climbing Plus".

AÏDA SWANSON: SMG (+1B) option now have the sill "Minelayer" and SWC cost is now 0.5. Added a new option with FTO & "Minelayer" with 20 points cost. Now Aïda is added to the Druze Bayram Security army being Wildcard; also is added to vanilla O-12.
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Grosse màj, du coup je sais pas si je vais continuer à trad des tacticas pré-mars, vu l'ampleur des changements, dommage j'aimais bien le faire.
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Nouvelles MàJ.

CitationFixed the booty chart. Before was showing incorrectly an option of "2-4" instead the correct one now "3-4":

Ariadna, Kosmoflot, White Company, O-12 & Starmada: Fixed the Varangian Guard with Trench-Hammer. Now gives properly the impetuous order.

Shasvastii: Aida Swanson FTO now provides correctly her regular order.

Haqqislam: Nadhir 31 points cost FO now provides correctly the regular order.
Haqqislam: Khawarij Non Lt. Forward Observer have correctly now the Flash Pulse.

Neoterra: Fixed the missing "NWI" of Deva.

Varuna: Fixed the AVA of the Montesa. The correct is 2.

Imperial Service, OperationS, DBS: Fixed the missing stealth skill on the Authorized Bounty Hunter.
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Nouvelles MàJ.

CitationModified the Booty chart according to the Infinity N4 Rules v1.1

Ariadna: Fixed the missing "Frenzy" skill of Pavel Aleksei McMannus.

Qapu Khalqi: Fixed the limit of Fireteam Haris available. Correct must be maximum 1x Fireteam Haris.

Nomads: Fixed the missing "Hacker" skill on the 31 points cost Reverend Custodier.

Nomads: Fixed the missing "Hacker" skill on the KHD option of the Interventors.

ALEPH: Fixed the missing "Hacker" skill on the KHD option of the Apsaras.

Tunguska/StarCo: Removed the not necessary CCW from FTO-2 option of Raoul Spector.

Weapons chart: Fixed the Flammenspear "Hit Mode" damage. Now is correctly 15 instead of wrong 14.

Règles N4
CitationMàJ Livre de règle Infinity N4
Modification du tableau des butins pour l'adapter aux derniers changements du jeu (pages 90 et 174). 

CitationPanO / Yu Jing / O-12 (CodeOne): In a upcoming update we'll fix the missing regular order generation of Liang Kai.
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Nouvelle MàJ pour Infinity N4:

CitationMay 10th Infinity Army fixes:

    Combined Army: Modified the S value of the Bultrak from 6 to 7. Reduced the point cost in both options (72 & 75 ---> 71 & 74).

    Fixed the Fairy Dust bug on the hacking program list. Now show correctly "Entire Order" instead of the wrong "Short"

    Haqqislam: Fixed the order on the Viral Pistol & CC Weapon of the AP Sniper Hortlak profile.

    O-12/Starmada: Fixed the wrong 'W' in the Devabots of the Raptor profile. Now shows correctly "STR".

    The (Forward deployment [+8"]) error with courtesy lists mentioned by @Frodos is under investigation and should be solved soon.

    The error with the drop down menu of the Spec-ops mentioned by @toadchild is under investigation and should be solved soon.

    The issue with the AVA of the Celestial Guard Monitor mentioned by @Diphoration is under investigation and should be solved soon.

Thank you for your reports and your patience :)
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Nouvelle MàJ pour Infinity N4:

- The (Forward deployment [+8"]) error with courtesy lists mentioned by @Frodos is now fixed.
- The error with the drop down menu of the Spec-ops mentioned by @toadchild is now fixed.

- L'erreur (Forward deployment [+8"]) avec les listes de courtoisie mentionnée par @Frodos est maintenant corrigée.
- L'erreur avec le menu déroulant des Spec-ops mentionnée par @toadchild est maintenant corrigée.
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Nouvelle MàJ pour Infinity C1/N4:

CitationInfinity CodeOne

Added the following factions:


CitationInfinity N4

Hassassin Bahram

Added the following profiles:

    Hassassin Bokhtar
    Pandora (only in Hassassin Bahram, not in vanilla Haqqislam)

Modifications on existing profiles:

Hassassin Ayyar: Removed Rifle & E/Mitter from the Panzerfaust loadout; added Breaker Rifle & Zapper. Updated cost of 38 points.

Removed the Sniper Rifle loadout. Two new loadouts added with Forward Deployment (+4"). Costs 41 & 43 points with 0 SWC cost.

Non Forward Deployment loadouts are now Hidden Deployment loadouts.


Hassassin Lasiq: Removed the 25 points|1,5 SWC Viral Sniper Rifle loadout. Added new loadout with Marksman Rifle (Viral) & BS Attack (+1 Damage), 25 point cost & 1 SWC.


Hassassin Muyibs: Removed the following loadouts:

    Rifle, Light Shotgun, Panzerfaust & D-Charges - 23 points
    Minelayer with Rifle, Light Shotgun, Panzerfaust and E/M Mines - 25 points
    Lieutenant with Rifle, Light Shotgun, Panzerfaust & D-Charges - 23 points


Hassassin Govads: CC increased from 14 to 15. Removed the following loadouts:

    Rifle, Light Shotgun - 20 points
    Boarding Shotgun - 21 points
    Lieutenant with Rifle & Light Shotgun - 20 points

New loadout added:

    Engineer (BS Attack AP) with Rifle, Light Shotgun, D-Charges & Gizmokit - 26 points.

Old Missile Launcher & Light Shotgun loadout now have only Missile Launcher and Breaker Pistol (+1B) - 27 points & 1,5 SWC.


Hassassin Husam Yasbir: CC modified from 23 to 22. Martial Arts modified from L3 to L2. Added the Immunity (Shock) skill. FTO loadout have now Drop Bears. Infiltration loadout now costs 33 points (before was 34 points).


Steel Phalanx

Added the following new profles:

    Pandora (only in Steel Phalanx, not available in vanilla ALEPH)

Removed the following profiles:


Modifications on existing profiles:

Thorakitai: Increase his CC attribute from 15 to 17.

Retired loadouts:

    Marksman Rifle and Nanopulser for 15 points.
    Engineer (Deactivator) for 18 points.

New loadouts:

    Hacker (Hacking Dev) for 0.5 SWC and 19 points.

Modified loadouts:

    Old loadout with 360° Visor, Submachine Gun and Chain Rifle loses the 360º Visor and Chain Rifle but gains a Pulzar.
    Artillery Observer loadout loses the 360° Visor and changes the Chain Rifle to Pulzar.
    Paramedic loadout loses the 360° Visor and swaps the Chain Rifle for Pulzar.


Dactyls: Reduced their AVA from 4 to 2.


Ekdromoi: added the Dodge (+1") skill.

Removed loadouts:

    Combi Rifle and Nanopulser for 28 points.
    Boarding Shotgun for 28 points.

Modified loadouts:

    Loadouts with Chain Rifle (+1B) gain Heavy Pistol.

New loadouts:

    Hacker with Killer Hacking Device for 27 points.


Agêma Marksment: Reduced their WIP attribute from 14 to 13. Gain the Surprise Attack (-3) and Hidden Deployment skills.

Removed loadouts:

        X-Visor and Mk12 for 33 points.

Modified loadouts:

        MULTI Sniper Rifle increases its cost from 32 to 33 points.
        Missile Launcher increases its cost from 30 to 31 points.

New loadouts:

        MULTI Marksman Rifle for 30 points.


Nesaie Alke: Gain the Operative Specialist skill. All option costs are increased by 1.


Teucer: Troop name changed. Used to be "Agêma Warrant Officer". Now "Steel Phalanx Sergeant". His CC and WIP attributes are reduced by 1. He gains the Mimetism skill (-3) and has his Triangulated Fire skill removed. He gains the Multispectral Visor L1 and Biometric Visor equipment.

The Multispectral Visor L2 and K1 Sniper Rifle loadout is removed.
The Feuerbach loadout has the Multispectral Visor L2 removed and its cost reduced from 42 to 39 points.


Drakios: Changed troop name. Used to be "Steel Phalanx's NCO". Now "Steel Phalanx Sergeant". Increased CC attribute from 20 to 21. Increased BTS attribute from 0 to 3.
Removed the skills Martial Arts L2 and Berserk (+3). Gain Martial Arts L1, BS Attack (Continuous Damage) and Religious Troop skills.

Removed loadouts:

        The 2 loadouts with 2x Devabot Kydoimos.

Modified loadouts:

        All loadouts change the Pistol and CC Shock Weapon to Heavy Pistol and CC E/M Weapon.
        Loadout with Devabot Kydoimos for 36 points changes Blitzen to Panzerfaust.
        Loadout with Devabot Kydoimos with Red Fury increases its cost from 39 to 40 points.
        The Devabot Kydoimos gains Shock Mines.

New loadouts:

        2 new Drakios FTO loadouts for 30 and 34 points.


Scylla: Changed troop name. Changed troop name. Used to be "Steel Phalanx's NCO". Now "Steel Phalanx Sergeant". Increased CC attribute from 18 to 20. Reduced PH attribute from 12 to 11. Increased BTS attribute from 3 to 6.

Modified loadouts:

        Loadouts with 1x Devabot Caribdis have their cost increased by 1 point.
        The Devabot Caribdis has its CC increased from 13 to 15 and its BS increased from 10 to 11.

Removed loadouts:

        Loadouts with 2x Devabot Caribdis removed.

New loadouts:

        Added a new loadout with FTO and a Caribdis FTO.


Ajax The Great:

Modified loadouts:

        The loadout without Forward Deployment is now Ajax FTO.

Removed loadouts:

        Removed the Lieutenant loadout.


Eudoros: Changed his MOV value from 4-4 to 6-2. He now has STR 2 instead of W 1. Removed the NWI skill. He gains the skill NCO.

Modified loadouts:

        The non-Lieutenant loadout gains Heavy Pistol and its cost goes from 41 to 42 points.

Removed loadouts:

        Lieutenant loadout.


Myrmidon Officer:

Modified loadouts:

        The SWC cost of Lieutenant loadouts is reduced from 0.5 to 0.



Modified options:

        The loadout that did not have Total Reaction now has Hidden Deployment and its cost goes from 39 to 40 points.
        Both loadouts have their TinBot modified and now have Discover (ReRoll) instead of (+3).


Penthesilea: Modified PH (now 11 before 12), WIP (now 13 before 14) and W (now 2 before 1) attributes. Removed Berserk and NWI skills. Gains the skills Operative Specialist and Mimetism (-3). She loses the Combi Rifle in her weaponry but gains SMG and Smoke Grenades. Her cost is reduced from 37 to 32 points.


Achilles: The MULTI Rifle and Nanopulser loadouts are removed. Only the Spitfire AP and Pulzar (formerly Nanopulser) loadouts remain at a cost of 1.5 SWC (formerly 2).


Achilles v2: Now "Corinthian Armour" instead of "Hoplite Armour". Gains the BS Attack (+1 Damage) skill. MULTI Rifle, Nanopulser and Panzerfaust loadouts are removed. Only the Spitfire AP and Pulzar (formerly Nanopulsar) loadouts remain at a cost of 1.5 SWC (formerly 2).


Thrasymedes: Removed the 360° Visro equipment. Removed Operative Specialist skill. Gain the skills Courage, Dodge (+1"), Forward Observer and Stealth.

Modified loadouts:

        Both loadouts gain Flash Pulse. The cost of both loadouts is 28 points (previously 29 Infiltration and 30 FTO).


Hippolyta: Modified her MOV attribute from 4-4 to 6-2. Modified his W value from 1 to 2. Removed the skill NWI. Gains the skills Martial Arts L3 (previously L4), Berserk, Dodge (+1") (previously +2") and Immunity (Shock). His cost increases from 38 to 40 points.



Modified loadouts:

        The non-infiltration and Submachine Gun loadout now has the Forward Deployment (+8") skill.

Removed loadouts:

        Removed the non-Infiltration Boarding Shotgun loadout.


Netrods: Have their point cost increased from 4 to 6.



Bashi Bazouks: Gain the Terrain (0-G) skill .

Modified loadouts:

    The former Combi Rifle and E/M Mines loadout is now Rifle, Light Shotgun and E/M Mines for 15 points.

Removed loadouts:

    Removed the Rifle and Light Shotgun loadout for 14 points.



Dozers: New loadout with Rifle, Blitzen, D-Charges and Gizmokit for 14 points.



Lawkeeper: the Sidebot now has Heavy Riotstopper instead of Light Riotstopper.


Combined Army

Grief Operators: loadout costs changes from 21, 24 and 20 points to 20, 23 and 21 points respectively. (Also in Tohaa & Spiral Corps).


Avatar: Gain the Dodge (+1") skill . The cost of his loadouts goes from 114 and 118 points to 122 and 126 points respectively. The SWC cost of the loadout (+1 Order +1 Command Token) increases from 2.5 to 3.

The Staldron increases its CC from 13 to 14 and its PH from 10 to 11. It also gains a PARA CC Weapon (-6).


Imetron: its cost is increased from 4 to 6 points.



Zoe & Pi-Well: The old Zoe loadout with a synchronised Pi-Well remains but 2 new loadouts appear.

New loadouts:

    2 new Zoe Hacker FTO loadouts are added, one with Combi Rifle and D-Charges and one with Boarding Shotgun and D-Charges. Both carry a Pi-Well FTO with Combi Rifle, Pulse Flash (+1B) and Pitcher.

The Pi-Well Sync now has E/Marat, Pitcher and Jammer, no Sensor but gains the skill BS Attack (+1B) and ECM: Hacker (-3).


Meteor Zonds: CC increases from 13 to 14 and BTS from 3 to 6. Gain PARA CC Weapon (-6) (previously -3), SWC 0 (previously 0.5) and 22 cost points (previously 21) for both loadouts.
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Nouvelle MàJ pour Infinity N4:


ITS SECDET: Profile added to all armies.

ITS CORSAIR: Profile added to all armies.

Bixie: Profile added to Yu Jing, Invincible, White Banner and Starmada.

Traktor Mul: Added option with Forward Observer and Repeater. Dozer dependency eliminated.

Kuryer: Dozer dependency eliminated.

Wardriver: Added option with Evo Hacking Device.

Varg: Minelayer CAP cost changed.

Added Mimetism (-3) and changed the cost to:


Carmen Johns

Cazarrecompensas Motorizados

112 motorizado





Zamira Nazarova (Also added Berserk)

Zuleyka Nazarova

Changed the cost to:





Kuroshi Rider (Also added Immunity (Shock))

Taigha: Cost, MOV and WIP value changed and added Courage Skill.

Taigha Sync from Jayth Cutthroats: MOV and WIP value changed and added Courage Skill.

Montesa Knigt: Cost and MOV value changed and added Dodge (+1") Skill.

Rebots DALETH: Cost changed.

Aquiles V2: MULTI Rifle option added.

Casanova: Fixed bug that Regular Order wasn't added to the pool.
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Nouvelle MàJ pour Infinity N4:

CitationChange log

-Fixed points:
Vertigo Zonds: 17 >> 16
ZanganoT: 18 >>16
ZanganoT FTO: 19 >>17
Rebot Samekh: 18 >> 16
Rebot Samekh FTO: 19 >> 17
Copperbots Millicent: 17 >> 16

-Elektronik now doesnt count for the Group limit due its a Peripheral.
-Added a Wardriver option for Tohaa.
-Fixed some missed profile options in Fireteam charts:
TAK: Added Dozers in the Line Kazak Fireteam and them counts as Line Kazaks. Added Frontoviks in the Ratnik Haris.
USARF: Added Dozers in the Grunt Fireteam
Starmada: Added Bixie in the Betatroopers Fireteam
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Pourquoi faire cela ? Les tohaas ont été complètement abandonné sauf pour retirer des choses ? Si c'est a cause du fait qu'il était pas présent dans le dernier KS pour pas supprimé le beashunter et triphammer ? Pourquoi que le digger et que tohaa ?
Bref on aura pas la réponse, peut-être à cause du pokemon qu'on pouvait lui mettre... Mais je pense qu'il était pas intuable non plus
N°ITS : P7856


23 Mars 2023 à 11:39:27 #13 Dernière édition: 23 Mars 2023 à 20:43:01 par Wizzy
Nouvelle MàJ pour Infinity N4:
(changelog sous réserves il semble manquer pas mal de trucs)

CitationChange Log

New Profiles

Nomads and Bakunin
Stigmata of the Observance
Daemonist Observant
Mother Healer Agatha Wabara
Robin Hook, outlaw AI
Moderator with Boarding Shotgun

Orphans of the Observance
Penitent Observants
Reverend Cenobites
Initiated Observants

RoadBots Highway Patrol

RoadBots Highway Patrol
Ŝarko, Naval Reconaissance Special Unit
Sekudroids, Surveillance and Security Droids

Haqqislam y Hassassin
ÁYYĀR (Hidden Deployment) Rifle (+1B), E/Mitter, Panzerfaust

Edited Profiles
Reverend Moiras
Reverend Healers
Reverend Custodiers
Sin-Eater Observants
Bran Do Castro
Reverend Superior Cassandra Kusanagi

Lobo (Specialist Operative) Combi Breaker Rifle, Light Flamethrower (+1 Dam), Flash Pulse (+1B)

Modified SWC in Orc MULTI Rifle | TinBot: Firewall (-3)
Modified cost on Bulleteers
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Nouvelle MàJ pour Infinity N4:


All Vanilla Armies (except Tohaa)

Now have the following Fireteam option:

Maximum of 1 Haris Fireteam (only with the Reinforcements MOD)

Except Haqqislam which has a Maximum of 2 Haris Fireteams (only with the Reinforcements MOD)

Qapu Khalqi
Increased from 1 to 2 the allowed Haris Fireteams.

The following troops have been added:

    Jacques Bruant
    Wolfgang Amadeus Wolff
    Equipe Mirage-5

Non-Reinforcement Profiles

    Line Kazak, Rokot, Volunteer, Métro and Grunt gain an option with [Commlink (+2), Specialist Operative]
    Loup-Garou gains an option with Viral Sniper Rifle
    The new troop Apaches is added exclusively to the Merovingian sectorial with AVA 2 and being a Wildcard (Loup-Garou).

The following troops have been added:

    Neoterra Bolts
    Orc Troops
    Aquila Guard
    Swiss Guard
    Squalos MK-II
    "Pathfinder" Dronbots
    Bulleteer Armbots
    Richard Quinn
    Shona Carano
    Agnes Ferreira

Non-Reinforcement Profiles

    Fusiliers, Acontecimento Regulars and Crucifers gain an option with [Commlink (+1), Specialist Operative].
    New Squalo MK-II profile that replaces the old Squalo profile.
    Richard Quinn changes his normal Pistol for Breaker Pistol (+1B) and his cost goes from 23 to 24.
    Agnes Ferreira gains a new option with (RemDriver [+5CC], [+1BS]).
    The costs of the Peacemaker go up from 20 to 24 and from 26 to 29.
    The Robin Hook troop is added to Military Orders.

The following troops have been added:

    Base Operators
    Void Operators
    Vector Operators
    EXO, Exrah Executive Officers
    Nexus Operatives
    Umbra Legates
    Slave Drones
    Special Operative Ko Dali

Non-Reinforcement Profiles
    Unidron Batroids gain an option (Commlink, Specialist Operative) and an option only available in the Onyx sectorial [Commlink (+1), Specialist Operative].
    Nox Troops gain an option (Commlink, Specialist Operative) and an option only available in the Shavastii sectorial [Commlink (+1), Specialist Operative].
    Morat Vanguard gain an option (Commlink, Specialist Operative) and an option only available in the Morat sectorial [Commlink (+1), Specialist Operative].
    The new Caskuda troop is added to vanilla Combined Army and the Onyx sectorial.
    Nexus Operatives gain the NCO skill, the cost of the Specialist Operative option goes from 16 to 18 and the Hacker option goes from 21 to 23.

The following troops have been added:
    Hafza Unit
    Al Hawwa'
    Rafiq Remotes
    Nasmat Remotes
    Leila Sharif
    Rahman Rouhani

Non-Reinforcement Profiles
    Ghulam Infantry gain an option [Commlink (+2), Specialist Operative].
    Djanbazan gain an option with Red Fury for 1 SWC and 31 points of cost.
    The new troops Korsan and Burtuk are added exclusively to the Qapu Khalqi sectorial, both with availability 2.
    Odalisques now have both Sixth Sense and 360º Visor in all their options and not separately. Costs have been adjusted with an increase of 1 point in all options. In addition, Nanopulsers now have (+1B).
    Sekban gains a new option with Red Fury, Chain-colt (+1B) for 1 SWC and 29 points of cost. Additionally, in the Specialist Operative options, the Chain-Colt is changed for a Light Shotgun.
    The Al Hawwa' Unit gains two new options: Hacker with (Killer Hacker Dev.) and Mine Layer with Submachine Gun and Grenade Launcher. The old Mine Layer option now has Shock Marksman Rifle and its cost goes from 23 to 22 points.

The following troops have been added:

    Kaauri Sentinels
    Chaksa Longarms
    Chaksa Auxiliars
    Chaksa Servants
    Neema Saatar
    Hatail Aelis Keesan

Non-Reinforcement Profiles

    Kamael Light Infantry gain an option [Commlink (+1), Specialist Operative].
    Chaksa Longarms gain an option with [BS Attack (AP)] with Red Fury and Pulzar for 1 SWC and 27 points of cost.

The following troops have been added:
    Authorized Bounty Hunters
    Father Lucien Sforza
    Miranda Ashcroft
    Independent Operator Samsa*
    Not available in JSA

Non-Reinforcement Profiles
    Wardrivers gain the Hacker option with (Commlink, Zero Pain) in all NA2 sectorials, even if they do not have Wardriver in their lists.
    The new Independent Operator Samsa troop is added to all generic armies (except Combined Army) and JSA and Spiral Corps.

The following troops have been added:

    MENT, PSID Agents
    Oko Copperbots
    Cuervo Goldstein

Non-Reinforcement Profiles

    Kappa Unit gains an option [Commlink (+1), Specialist Operative].

The following troops have been added:

    Hwarang Corps
    Sulsa Warriors
    Yaókòng Wéibīng
    Yaókòng Sùn-Bào
    Yaoxie Rui Shi
    So-Ra Kwon
    Chung-Hee Jeong

Non-Reinforcement Profiles

    Zhanshi and Celestial Guard gain an option [Commlink (+1), Specialist Operative].
    The Yaoxie Rui Shi loses the N2 Multispectral Visor equipment, but gains an option with Multispectral Visor L1 with Red Fury, while the existing Spitfire option now has Multispectral Visor L2.

The following troops have been added:

    Riksha Tacbots
    Dawon Tacbots
    Artalis Unit
    Satrah Unit
    Daleth Rebots
    Samekh Rebots

Non-Reinforcement Profiles

    Dakini Tacbots and Thorakitai gain an option (Commlink, Specialist Operative).
    The new Máximus troop is added to vanilla ALEPH, OperationS, vanilla PanOceania, Neoterra, Varuna and WinterFor.
    The Arjuna Unit now has AVA 2, their CC goes from 15 to 17 and gains the Dodge (+2,5cm) and Tactical Awareness abilities. Additionally, the costs of all options are increased by 3 points.
    Dasyus have their CC increased from 13 to 14, gain the NCO skill and change their Combi Rifles for Submachine Guns in those options where they had them. The Forward Observer option loses the Nanopulser. Additionally, the cost is modified in all options:
        Boarding Shotgun, Shock Mines: 35→37
        MULTI Sniper Rifle, Nanopulser: 37→39
        (Hacker, Killer Hacker Disp.): 37→39
        (Hacker, Disp. Hacker): 39→37
        (Forward Observer): 36→34

The following troops have been added:

    Lizard Squadron
    Stempler Zonds
    Tsyklon Sputniks
    Lunokhod Sputniks
    Vostok Sputniks
    Jelena Kovac
    Raoul Spector

Non-Reinforcement Profiles

    Alguaciles, Moderators and Securitate gain the [Commlink (+1), Specialist Operative] option.
    The Lizard Squadron has 2 new options with [BS Attack (Shock)], gains the ECM:Hacker (-3) equipment and the Lizard Pilot gains D-Charges.
    The Spektrs options change:
        The old Combi Rifle, Shock Mines and Boarding Shotgun, Shock Mines options disappear.
        The option with Deployable Repeater changes the Combi Rifle for the SMG and its cost goes from 32 to 28.
        The old Hacker option gains D-Charges and a new option with Boarding Shotgun is added.
        The Killer Hacker option (only available in Tunguska) changes the Combi Rifle for SMG and its cost goes from 34 to 30.
        The Forward Observer option changes the Combi Rifle for Boarding Shotgun.
    Tsyklon Sputniks gain a Chain Rifle in all their options.
    In the Vostok Sputniks, the Mimetism (-6) ability is moved from the troop option to the profile's own abilities list.
    Jelena Kovac gains the Tactical Awareness skill. The cost of the Breaker Combi Rifle option goes from 20 to 23. A new option with MULTI Rifle and Chain-colt for 23 points is added.

 Tokens PDF updated with DropPod token:

Update: old Squalo profile is back at least until current product become discontinued.
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Bawon Samdi

Comment on fait apparaître les renforts sur l'app mobile ?


CB a fait une vidéo:
Normalement au-dessus de la colonne des unités t'as une coche, si c'est pas le cas, à voir si tu peux lancer une vérification de màj, peut être qu'elle est pas à jour.
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Bawon Samdi

J'ai trouvé. En fait sur téléphone c'est un peu plus tordu.
Après la maj il faut aller dans les settings et cocher les renforts.
Ils apparaissent tout en bas de liste d'unités quand on a choisi un commlink.


Koni a indiqué qu'ils avaient fait des corrections de bugs dans l'army et il y'a eu des modification.

Citation    Reinf. Bronzes AVA modified from 2 to 1.
    So-Ra Kwon is properly labeled as "Character".

Citation    Burtuk (regular profile): fixed the HRL. Now is Heavy FT (+1B).
    So-Ra Kwon (reinforcements): now have Heavy FT instead the HRL.
    Nomad Commlink troops: fixed the SWC. Now is showing correctly 0.5
    Haetae (reinforcements): fixed the AVA. Now is 1 (before was 2).

We'll keep checking this threads and other places in the search of possible mistakes, and will proper communicated if needed.

Thank you so much for your collaboration and your feedback about this update. I hope you'll have a pleasant weekend trying it!
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